competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, December 14, 2019

General knowledge Refresher

Kurukshetra in the December 2019 edition in this article we determine the following concept in page no: 61 this article has been published.
An adult Loris has a dense, woolly, and brown-grey fur on its back and white fur on the underside. It has a very powerful grip. The well developed thumbs and toes help the animal in holding on to branches of tress. The Bengal slow Loris sleeps by day curled up in a ball in dense vegetation or in a tree hole. According to mammals of china edited by Andrew A. smith et al., both sexes attain maturity at eighteen months.
Kurukshetra releases this magazine every month with new happenings around the world. The aspirants who are preparing for any sought of government examination this magazine will help you in the examination point of view.

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