competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle this article was published in the magazine incovacc  it is worlds first intranasal vaccine which received approval for covid booster doses from drugs controller general of india (dcgi). Banking service chronicle magazine it is a recombinant replication deficient adenovirus virus vectored vaccine. adenovirus is a nuclear-replicating dna virus with a linear double-stranded genome.  covid suraksha program of department of biotechnology helped to partially finance product development and clinical trials Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.

Banking service chronicle

Monday, April 22, 2024

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine this article was published in the magazine asteroid belt a region of space between the orbits of mars and jupiter where most of the asteroids in our solar system are found orbiting the sun.  exoplanet any planet beyond our solar system. most orbit other stars but free-floating exoplanets called rogue planets orbit the galactic center and are untethered to any star.  lagrange points at lagrange points the gravitational pull of two large masses precisely equals the centripetal force required for a small object to move with them.  black hole it is a place in space where gravity pulls so much that even light cannot get out. the gravity is so strong because matter has been squeezed into a tiny space.  competition success magazine subscription gravitational lensing it occurs when a huge amount of matter like a cluster of galaxies creates a gravitational field that distorts and magnifies light from distant galaxies (that are behind it but in same line of sight). the effect is like looking through a giant magnifying glass. it allows researchersto study the details of early galaxies too far away to be seen with current technology and telescopes.  nebula it is a giant cloud of dust and gas in space. some nebulae (more than one nebula) come from gas and dust thrown out by explosion of a dying star such as a supernova. other nebulae are regions where new stars are beginning to form competition success review magazine price.

competition success magazine

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine

competition refresher magazine this article was published in the magazine  arctic report card 2022 arctic report card 2022 was recently released by us national oceanic and atmospheric administration (noaa). issued annually since 2006 it is a peer-reviewed source that provide an up-to-date environmental information on arctic. key highlights of report arctic continues to warm more than twice as fast as rest of globe. 77 2022 sea ice extent is well below long-term average. it is also impacting albedo of region thereby inducing the melting. mean sea surface temperatures continue to show warming trends leading to a boom in phytoplankton-driven production of organic matter in oceans. competition refresher magazine pdf persistent summer sea ice due to cooler surface waters and north winds at chukchi sea. increasing maritime ship traffic in arctic. precipitation has increased across all seasons since 1950s competition refresher magazine subscription.

competition refresher magazine

Monday, February 19, 2024

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine published this article page no 18 this article was published in magazine  national security council secretariat has been given a constitutional and legal mandate to develop a new counterradicalisation programme. difficulties in obtaining weapons unlike in us where sophisticated weapons can be easily bought by ordinary citizens gaining access to such weaponry in india is difficult as is ability to obtain licenses. state-supervised counselling initiatives like keralas operation-pigeon. competition success review magazine price measures required to counter lone wolf terrorism policy measures diversify indias counterterrorism capabilities and develop a robust national counterterrorism doctrine addressing the different nuances of terrorism. invest in understanding of new developing threats coming from the intersection of technology nationalism and counter-terrorism. capacity building measures strong technical intelligence capacities like social media and cyberspace monitoring contingency plans by the intelligence and counter-terrorism structures  competition success magazine subscription

competition success magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine published this article page no 7 this article was published in december food subsidy bill has almost doubled during 2014-22. such a rising subsidy drains the public exchequer reduce public investments and hamper potential job creation and in turn poverty alleviation efforts. Arihant current affairs magazine monthly environmental sustainability rice-wheat biased procurement of cereals has led to depleting the water table depletion of soil nutrients in many states while also preventing crop diversification Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

Arihant current affairs magazine

Friday, February 9, 2024

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine published this article page no 6 this article was published in the magazine (amr)antimicrobial resistance (amr) occurs when bacteria viruses fungi and parasites change over time and no longer respond to medicines making infections harder to treat and increasing the risk of disease spread severe illness and a result of drug resistance antibiotics and other antimicrobial medicines become ineffective and infections become increasingly difficult or impossible to treat. competition success magazine subscription awarethe aware classification of antibiotics was developed in 2017 by the who expert committee on selection and use of essential is a tool to support antibiotic stewardship efforts at local national and global levels.antibiotics are classified into three groups access watch and reserve considering the impact of different antibiotics and antibiotic classes on amr in order to emphasize the importance of their appropriate use competition success review magazine price.

competition success magazine

Friday, February 2, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 8 this article can be seen in the magazine threats shrinking of grassland rising number of electricity wires and its wanton killing. habitat  most often found is arid and semi-arid grasslands open country with thorn scrub tall grass interspersed with cultivation. it avoids irrigated areas.  it is endemic to indian sub-continent found in central india western india and eastern pakistan. shine india monthly magazine telugu largest population-thar desert rajasthan (state bird). other populations occur in kachchh (gujarat) solapur and chandrapur (maharashtra) kurnool (andhra pradesh) and bellary (karnataka). houbara also belong to bustard family but its a migratory species. 74  important sites for the species are desert national park sanctuary (rajasthan) naliya (gujarat) warora (maharashtra) and bellary (karnataka) conservation measures  "project godawan" of rajasthan state government for its conservation at desert national park (dnp) in jaisalmer.  national guidelines for recovery of bustards 2013.supreme court in m. k. ranjitsinh vs union of india april 2021 case made specific binding directions likeo for the undergrounding of powerlines the supreme court has given a time limit of one year from the date of the order shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Friday, January 26, 2024

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle 

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 2 this article was published in the month of november credit rating agency evaluates the credit rating of a debtor by analyzing the qualitative and quantitative attributes of the entity in question. it is not involved in the transaction of the deal and therefore is deemed to provide an independent and impartial opinion of the credit risk o presently there are three prominent credit agencies that control 85% of the overall ratings market moodys investor services standard and poors (s&p) and fitch group. Banking service chronicle magazine buy types of credit ratings - investment grade ratings mean the investment is considered solid and speculative grade investments are high risk. issues with credit rating and cra  pro-cyclicality of ratings this means ratings are conditionally better during a boom and conditionally worse during a downturn. they therefore possibly increase the risk of financial crises occurring and deepening. the 1997–1998 asian crisis highlighted cras potential for reinforcing booms-and-busts of capital flows Banking service chronicle magazine subscription

Banking service chronicle 

Friday, January 19, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine this article can be seen in the magazine it is the state animal of west bengal. polar bears  a recent study finds they might disappear by 2100. protection status characteristics  polar bears are largest bear in the world and the arctics top predator. 71  polar bears spend over 50% of their time hunting for food.  classified as marine mammals because they spend most of their lives on the sea ice of the arctic ocean.  they are good swimmers and have thick layer of body fat and water-repellant coat that insulates them from the cold air and water.  melting sea ice from climate change has increased human-polar bear conflicts. habitat  annual sea ice covering the waters over the continental shelf and the arctic inter-island archipelagos  not found in antarctica. conservation measures  the international agreement on conservation of polar bears and their habitat 1973.  shine india monthly magazine telugu polar bears international a non-profit polar bear conservation organization. giant panda  china announces that giant panda are no longer endangered in the wild. o after five years the international union for conservation of nature (iucn) removed giant pandas from its endangered species list and classified them as vulnerable in 2016. protection status characteristics  giant panda is also known as panda bear shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Thursday, January 4, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 5 a piece of architecture should possess adequate size and space for use. while looking at a strategic approach for engaging a universal design for system problems a time-phased systematic approach is suggested.  in all the domains of public work an integrated approach by incorporating the end users feedback can deliver quality of governance to people with differential abilities. shine india monthly magazine telugu most importantly reward for such initiatives of universal designs should be given to build public consciousness shine india monthly magazine subscription.


shine india monthly magazine

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

knowledge questions magazine in English

knowledge questions magazine in English

knowledge questions magazine in English Published this article page no 20 the temple complex measuring about 244 meters on the east-west and 122 meters north-south is placed inside what is referred to as sivagangai little fort.  this fortification is an addition taken over during the renovation by sevappa nayaka around 17th century.  there is also a moat running around this fortification which we cross as we enter the temple complex.  knowledge quest magazine subscription a well-decorated arched entranceway built during maratta period welcomes devotees with various deities fixed as stucco images.  after passing through maratta gate one passes through gopuram.  on the eastern side of tis gopuram is a massive monolithic dwarapalakkas.  inside the temple complex there are several sub shrines built for ashtadikpalaka (deities guarding the 8 directions) ganesha and a temple for yagasalai knowledge quest magazine subscription details.

knowledge questions magazine in English

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine

Arihant current affairs magazine published this article page no 15 the design and construction of central vista project is a collaborative effort.  the feedback and inputs of stakeholders like feedbacks of armed forces for parade door darshan for videography and telecasts presidents guard for horse-riding while designing the kartavya path. Arihant current affairs magazine monthly feedback of parliaments officers for the design of parliament buildings aesthetics and interiors. peoples feedback for the signage across infrastructure. various experts across fields like signage and way finding consultants parking design experts horticulture experts stone work designers etc. were consulted Arihant monthly current affairs magazine subscription.

Arihant current affairs magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 2 in order to maintain the supply demand economics cities have to overly depend on exhaustible resources like oil water land and human energies whose prices are increasing day by day. Junior science refresher magazine subscription due to mismatch in demand and supply of the available natural resources we might improve the functioning of these cities by improving their infrastructure but not their quality of life. due to over emphasis on the development of large cities smaller towns in the region are devoid of their small-scale crafts and industries thus local socio-economic ecosystem gets disturbed Junior science refresher magazine subscription price.

Junior science refresher magazine