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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english 

pratiyogita darpan english  Published this article page no  84 WholeofGovernment Focus The objectives outlined in Indias Arctic Policy are to be implemented through an Action Plan and a governance and review mechanism consisting of an interministerial Empowered Arctic Policy Group (EAPG) This mechanism is likely to enable better analysis prediction and coordinated approach in the Government of India lend policy coherence to the region and will result in better realisation of Indias strategic military and economic interests. On the whole Indias Arctic Policy is timely and is likely to provide a direction to Indias policymakers on contours of Indias engagement with the region. It is the first step towards developing a wholeofgovernment approach on Indias engagement with the region.  The Policy is likely to have a multiplier effect towards a more synergised and focused scientific research including an enhanced understanding of linkages between monsoons and climate change in the Arctic and between polar studies and the Himalayas.  Thus Indias Arctic Policy is deftly dovetailed enmeshed and in synergy with the broader policy framework of the Government of India  World over activists of Extinction Rebellion are staging protests in various formats. What is the Extinction Rebellion also referred to as XR?  Initially launched in the United Kingdom on October 31 2018 as a response to a report by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).  Now it is a global movement which seeks to rebel and asks groups to selforganise without the need for  160 anyones permission to come up with collective action plans as long as they adhere to the groups core principles and values.  It is a decentralised international and politically nonpartisan movement using nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience to persuade governments to act justly on the Climate and Ecological Emergency. The group has three core demands of governments around the world.  It wants governments to Tell the Truth to Act Now and to Go Beyond Politics in order to confront the climate and ecological emergency that the world is faced with. What activities have XR done so far?  The group had announced a Declaration of Rebellion at launch involving a public act of civil disobedience in London demanding that the government reduce carbon emission to zero by 2025.  The eventual plan was to coordinate actions in other countries and to engage in an International Rebellion in March 2019 pratiyogita darpan English buy.  

pratiyogita darpan english 

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english  Published this article page no 83  Enhancing understanding of the impact of climate change in the Arctic on Indias climate economic and energy security.  159  Contributing better analysis prediction and coordinated policymaking on the implications of ice melting in the Arctic on Indias economic military and strategic interests related to global shipping routes energy security and exploitation of mineral wealth.  Studying linkages between polar regions and the Himalayas.  Deepen cooperation between India and countries of the Arctic region under various Arctic forums drawing expertise from scientific and traditional knowledge.  Increase Indias participation in the Arctic Council and improve understanding of the complex governance structures in the Arctic relevant international laws and geopolitics of the region Does this Indias Arctic Policy Address the Gaps?  Scientific Orientation Indias Arctic Policy has gone beyond the hithertofore purely scientific approach. While the primary focus is still scientific the six pillars address all the aspects of Arctic relevant to India including climate change and environment economic and human resources and geopolitical and strategic aspects. This would likely make Indias engagement with the Arctic more broadbased and enable a holistic approac  Funding The Policy declares that its implementation will be based on allocation of requisite resources. With the enhancement of a multidisciplinary approach to the Arctic it is hoped that budgetary support to Indias scientific Arctic endeavours will be substantially augmented.  Polar Research Vessel The intent articulated in the Arctic Policy of acquiring a dedicated iceclass Polar Research Vessel will hasten the process and provide impetus to Indias Arctic Programme pratiyogita darpan English buy.

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english

pratiyogita darpan english  Published this article page no  81 The World Bank is a major issuer of green bonds. It has issued 164 such bonds since 2008 worth a combined $14.4 billion. In 2020 the total issuance of green bonds was worth almost $270 billion according to the Climate Bond Initiative. How Does a Green Bond Work? Green bonds work just like any other corporate or government bond.  Borrowers issue these securities in order to secure financing for projects that will have a positive environmental impact such as ecosystem restoration or reducing pollution.  Investors who purchase these bonds can expect to make as the bond matures.  In addition there are often tax benefits for investing in green bonds. What is the Significance of Sovereign Guarantee to Green Bonds?  Sovereign green issuance sends a powerful signal of intent around climate action and sustainable development to governments and regulators.  It will catalyze domestic market development and provides impetus to institutional investors.  It will provide benchmark pricing liquidity and a demonstration effect for local issuers helping to support the growth of a local market. Green Bonds Vs Blue Bonds Blue bonds are sustainability bonds to finance projects that protect the ocean and related ecosystems.  This can include projects to support sustainable fisheries protection of coral reefs and other fragile ecosystems or reducing pollution and acidification.  All blue bonds are green bonds but not all green bonds are blue bonds. Green Bonds Vs Climate Bonds Green bonds and climate bonds are sometimes used interchangeably but some authorities use the latter term specifically for projects focusing on reducing carbon emissions or alleviating the effects of climate change. Yes Bank was the first Indian Bank to issue Green Infrastructure Bonds (GIBs) in India. It had issued Indias firstever GIBs worth 1000 crore rupees in 2015.  The Centre released Indias Arctic Policy with the aim of enhancing the countrys cooperation with the resourcerich and rapidly transforming region. Need for such a Policy The relevance of Arctic for India can be broadly explained under three categories (A)Scientific Research Climate Change and Environment  Monsoons  The changes occurring in the Arctic are yet to be understood fully but it is clear that they have been impacting global weather climate and ecosystems including the monsoons in India.  158  During the monsoons India receives over 70 per cent of its annual precipitation. Indias agriculture which is the primary source of livelihood for about 58 per cent of Indias population and contributes around 20 per cent to the GDP4 is directly dependent on monsoons pratiyogita darpan English buy.

pratiyogita darpan english