competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Pratiyogita kiran English

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Pratiyogita kiran English by kiran prakashan delhi published this article page no  2 discrepancies between joint chiefs of staff investigations and findings of the 9/11 commission there was a highly classified united states special operations command program under the command of the us special operations command it was created as a result of a directive from the joint chiefs of staff in early october 1999 by the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff hugh shelton to develop an information operations campaign plan against transnational terrorism specifically al-qaida according to statements by lt col anthony shaffer and confirmed by four others able danger had identified the september 11 2001 attack leader mohamed atta  and three of the 9/11 plots 19 hijackers as possible members of an al qaeda cell linked to the 93 world trade center attacks the group used all information legally collected under the rule of law primarily consisting of classified information all publicly obtained information was approved after a legal review of socom lawyers the early identification of the four hijackers by able danger appears to contradict the official conclusion of the 9/11 commissionthat american intelligence agencies had not identified atta as a terrorist prior to the attack this has resulted in a political controversy that has begun to damage the credibility of the bipartisan 9/11 commission pratiyogita kiran monthly magazine free download.

 Pratiyogita kiran English

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

pratiyogita darpan april 2021 current affairs

pratiyogita darpan april 2021 current affairs

pratiyogita darpan april 2021 current affairs  Published this article page no  Stages of emotional recovery; denial to action, skillfully presented in the first person. Late summer of '92.  Bent over, arms on knees, resting,  trying to recover from a long hard row against the tidal current.  Pleased with this not-so-easy accomplishment.   Too bad there wasn't an audience, someone to do the clapping, to deliver accolades.  She is no longer here, my wife.  Perhaps she is with him right now.  Having a morning coffee, or sharing a shower. Back then, before the recovery, I was adrift and afloat in self-pity.  Wondering for the hundredth time. What did I do to deserve this?  Why me?  Why did our friends abandon me too?  The questions unanswered, floating out to sea, then sinking. It's was like this for a while, owning this deep feeling of loss and hope.   Still expecting her to show up at our favourite dock-side restaurant, her smile radiating, her arms open.  At home the deck lights were always on, waiting her return.  Sitting at the window, watching the rain, waiting for the taxi. The emotional steps leading from the first shock of betrayal to the cleansing action of divorce is similar to the steps dealing with death.  And in the early stages I sometimes preferred death.  Friends tried to help with their professional advice, mostly they said it will get better with time.  "You'll be fine."  "You just need time to heal"  That was a good one, like if it were only as simple as a broken leg, or hole in the hull.  Those I could fight, those I could understand.  Friends told me about: - Denial - Anger , resentment and fear - Withdrawal and grieving - Acceptance - Action Did I listen then?  I said I did, but in the early stages it's impossible.  Months later, visiting a friend in a hospital room I found myself saying the same things. My words sounding terribly false and hollow against his real pain, his discomfort and fear.  "You'll be fine"  In his case, like mine,  it was true, we both recovered. I remember my anger, experiencing it as feeling down or depressed.  Left unresolved, this anger could have ruined my career, business opportunities and my health.  All of these feelings lowered my sense of self-worth and self-esteem.  At this point, motivation and drive to try new things disappeared, resulting in less and less confidence in my abilities. I began to worry and over-think, creating feelings of anxiety.  I worried about many things, especially not ever letting anyone into my life.  I could justify being a castaway, safely at anchor, alone.   I continued to have work problems and developed a sleep disorder.  I found comfort in plotting fanciful revenge.  If left unchecked this pattern would continue into a downward spiral, creating more fear, more anger or depression lower self-esteem and more worry and anxiety. The simple truth is that I had a good marriage with a good wife.  She left. Yes I had generous feelings of betrayal; how could she do this to me?  I had constant feelings of loss.  Driving our car, turning to see the passenger seat empty would fill me with unseen tears.  Somehow things changed for me; sure the counseling helped, but mostly the change happened when I finally gave myself permission to move on.  To accept things for what they are, to accept the new opportunities, to see the door open, not closed. I dreaded the thought of divorce. I had worried about divorce for a long time before I had the nerve and courage to take this final action.  I spend many nights saying it was OK to do it, then I'd put it off for one good reason after another.  I told myself the money was too tight, knowing the lie.  I told myself I would do it after the holidays, or maybe next month, or next week. Intellectually I was aware of the immediate benefits of getting divorced, and since there was nobody seeking my hand I kept postponing, procrastinating.  The day I filed my divorce papers was a day of discovery.  I discovered relief from anxiety and a freedom I did not expect.  The day I filed was a day of new beginnings, a day of new life. pratiyogita darpan april 2021 current affairs

pratiyogita darpan june 2021

pratiyogita darpan june 2021

pratiyogita darpan june 2021  Published this article page no  Choosing a divorce lawyer is a crucial decision in a divorce procedure. Divorce lawyers will be there from the beginning of the procedure. It is vital that the legal advice he/she gives you is good advice. If is not familiar with the divorce process and the grounds or laws for divorce in your particular state, it is very important that you choose a divorce lawyer who can enlighten you and offer you the best representation. Also make sure that you feel comfortable and can trust your lawyer. Do I need a lawyer Check out the following circumstances to make sure whether you need to have a lawyer or not.   You and your spouse have been wed for at least 5 years               You and your spouse have kids.         Either you or your spouse is the breadwinner while the other may have difficulty getting on his/her own two feet financially speaking, once the divorce is finalized.                 You or your spouse has come upon inheritance while married to one another.           Either you or your spouse is in debt. Where can I get a divorce lawyer There are a many ways to get a divorce lawyer. Also try asking your marriage counselor or therapist for a referral. Of course you may ask your relatives or friends as well. Other lawyers can recommend those attorneys which specialize in divorce also. It is also possible if you may even go straight to the courthouse to check out if a particular divorce lawyer strikes your fancy. No matter where you look, may it be in the yellow pages or in directories on-line, you should assess their credentials. Meeting a lawyer for consultation After finding a promising lawyer, the next step would be to meet him/her for consultation. If he/she is hard to reach then this may be a sign that you may have a hard time getting in contact with him/her once you hire him/her as your divorce lawyer. Find out how much he/she may charge for consultation. What exactly is his/her specialization? It’s important that he/she specializes in divorce, for you to have the best representation. You wouldn’t want a gynecologist dealing with your heart disease would you? Of course you’d seek the help of a cardiologist and with legal matters it goes the same. Seek the help of a divorce attorney for divorce concerns. What you ought to know after consultation with a divorce lawyer</b> The first time you meet with a divorce lawyer may be one of the few times that you are the one who gets to do most of the asking. Make the most of it. Find out everything you need to know in order to make the right choice of attorney. pratiyogita darpan june 2021