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Monday, May 10, 2021

shine india magazine yearly subscription

 shine india magazine yearly subscription

shine india magazine yearly subscription Published this articles page no133Accordingly commercial banks have been successful in extending banking services to nearly 6 lakh villages mainly through BCs. The progress of financial inclusion has been extensive with banking outlets increasing from 33378 in March 2010 to 50860 in March 2017 while those with BCs increased rapidly from 34316 to 547233. The business transacted as well as number of accounts have increased manifold during the last seven years.shine india magazine yearly subscription

shine india magazine yearly subscription

 shine india magazine yearly subscription

shine india magazine yearly subscription Published this articles page no  134

The amount deposited in basic savings account through BCs increased nearly 26 times while that through branches recorded an increase of 15 times over the period. The amount transacted through use of information technology recorded highest growth over the period. Finally encouraging results of PMJDY are apparent - amount in basic savings account and transactions through use of technology show a substantial increase after 2014 shine india magazine yearly subscription

shine india magazine yearly subscription

 shine india magazine yearly subscription

shine india magazine yearly subscription Published this articles page no  135 Select Issues and Suggestions There is a need to examine some emerging gaps to achieve financial inclusion. First there is need to extend financial inclusion to the disabled including those elderly where locomotor activity vision and hearing is impaired. RBI directives to banks to be accessible to all kind of disabled have not recorded notable progress with very few ATMs and bank branches being disabled-friendly.shine india magazine yearly subscription

Saturday, May 8, 2021

pratiyogita kiran ebook

 pratiyogita kiran ebook

pratiyogita kiran ebook published this article page no 35 besides corporate guarantors will also not be eligible to bid for these companies. it also includes the holding company or related party of the promoters of the distressed assets pratiyogita kiran book buy.